Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy Birthday, Wellsy

Happy Birthday, my Sweet Wellsy Boy!

This past year has been a difficult one, there's no secret there. But it's my hope that you always know how important you were and are. You were the light that gave hope to the darkest of days. You brought peace and joy to everyone, even when there was nothing but uncertainty and angst. You have brought more love into our crowded apartment than I thought was possible. You remind me regularly that this World is still capable of goodness. You have given me purpose... and faith.

Watching you this past year, has been a joy. From your first smiles, to your first steps. You amaze me with your fearlessness and your endless giggles. And watching Jack become a big brother has been equally amazing. He is so proud and confident, loving and gentle. It's wonderful to see all that you are both becoming! I know first hand the joys of being a sibling. I hope that you and Jack continue to love each other, care for one another and challenge each other to be better. I am so proud of both of you!

I have so many wishes for you. But above all, I wish that anytime you doubt yourself you remember all of the love that lives inside of you. Your spirit is capable of anything. Be brave, my love, after all, life is an adventure.

Happy 1st Birthday, Wells Thomas.

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